Cosmos Neoprene 7” Purple Tablet Case
The purple Cosmos brand case was five dollars, and Amazon Prime shipping got it here in just a few days.
It is quite a bit smaller than the black eForCity sleeve and has to stretch quite a bit to fit the Nexus 7. I really like the snug fit, but I wouldn’t want to have to fight to put it in on a regular basis.
eForCity Black / Red Zip Sleeve Case
The black case with the red stripe was only two bucks with free shipping. We bought three of these and they took about three weeks to arrive. The material these are made out of is quite a bit thinner than the Cosmos. The case is also noticeably larger. The tablet can actually move around a bit while it is in the sleeve. Contrary to the item description, these cases are black on the inside and outside. They are not reversible.
I’m happy with the two-dollar cases. I just wanted to have something on hand so that I won’t scratch up the screen when I throw my tablet in my laptop bag. Chris had to have one of the purple cases. She said she was too lazy to knit another case this time.